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February 17, 2022


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jaggedtiger4·JJMeds·1104d10 reviews
ight to medium green coloured buds .. large to medium size nugs . smells very potent and gasssy . if you open it in a room the whole house will smell of the gas . sticky and very dense bud.. burns nice and slow . will def need a grinder to break it up . fingering busting will leave ur hands with cr...
jaggedtiger4·JJMeds·1104d10 reviews
dark and dank bud . very gassy and sticky . dark green mugs with hints of purple .. very sticky . could be stuck against the wall and it will hold.. burns very nice and slow . white to grey ash .. can taste the pink genetics . not bad for the price for the oz
jaggedtiger4·JJMeds·1104d10 reviews
is is a AAAA. .. very sticky and dense large to medium sized nugs.. has the unique pink taste and gassy smell . light green buds . burns slow with white ash .. night time strain definitely as it knocked me out on the couch right before having the munchies.. well worth the price
jaggedtiger4·JJMeds·1104d10 reviews
this is a AAAA .. man does this one hit .. the smell to the texture of the weed is amazing .. very heavy hitting strain .. large dense sticky buds .. very couched lock high . gave me the munchies as well .. burns very slow and taste is very dank and strong .. light green coloured buds
jaggedtiger4·JJMeds·1104d10 reviews
the smell on this is unique , the whiskey whiff. very sticky . small buds on this one .. high was moderate .. taste was amazing and very flavourful . the whiskey is very evident in the taste . buds are dark with hints of purple .. burns very slow with white ash
jaggedtiger4·JJMeds·1107d10 reviews
don’t let the small nugs fool you . this strain is very underrated . very sticky and gassy smell.. breaks up really nice and rolls well with my blunts and spliffs.. burns very slow has that tuna gassy taste .. very dense and sticky bud.. very indica couch locked high . will order again
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