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April 20, 2021


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kruk5122·DistillateDirect·1405d4 reviews
Really nice oil, little dark in the picture because it's a 28g slab, definite 8/10 , potent and terpy
kruk5122·DistillateDirect·1480d4 reviews
Great strain, nice and potent and hella terpy too. Right between pull and snap and shatter consistency which is perfect imo!
kruk5122·DistillateDirect·1511d4 reviews
28g chunk, one of the best sativa/hybrid strains ive tried in a while. Very smooth and potent, solid strain.
kruk5122·DistillateDirect·1558d4 reviews
One of the best, if not the best strain I've tried from dd yet! No complaints, really good oil for a really good price! DD doing good work as always!
P.s. 28g slab for all the downvoters wondering why there's a clarity/colour difference lol.
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