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May 14, 2018


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sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2478d12 reviews
nice stuff, solid little dense nugs trimmed well. nice citrus nose and semi-frosty nugs that bust up great. smoked smooth and hit great 9/10.
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2480d12 reviews
on to some purple candy and this stuff had a stiff test to stand up to some purple candy i had in december that was AAAA quality. the nose on this stuff is so-so, somewhat faint. some purple in the buds when grinding but not a ton, smoked smooth but not super flavourful. i’d say 7.5/10, nothing wr...
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2481d12 reviews
tried this based on a recommendation in another one of the threads. slight berry nose to this stuff in the bag, once you bust it the smell really comes out. very similar nose to the blue dream and like the blue dream a very clean smoke with hints of berry. 10/10 another very nice berry strain.
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2481d12 reviews
got some of this stuff in april and fell in love with it. the gram definitely didnt show well lol. still had a great gassy nose and smoked well. just gram would make it seem like maybe 8/10 strain, the larger buds i have show much better and easy 10/10.
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2482d12 reviews - some death bubba i already had.

was nice to get some of this as i had some to compare it to, pictured above. this was damn near identical to the DB i had in almost every way, mine had a slightly better trim but other than that id have a hard time telling them a...
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2482d12 reviews
guess i smoked a bit too much yesterday because i missed 6 this morning. this stuff is pretty nice, smells somewhat similar to the pink kush, just the floral part no gas. the buds are much more dense and a bit less frosty than the PK but it busts up well, smokes clean and hits hard. id say 9/10, goo...
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2482d12 reviews
what a tasty way to start the day. as you can see this stuff is just caked, dark colourful buds that only get more colourful as you split them open with a nice fruity smell. gram/nug was DENSE and busted up huge, smokes real clean with a nice taste. 10/10 would/will/might order ASAP :p
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2482d12 reviews
Once you start you can’t stop, smoke all the weeds. This is an odd one, I’m relatively new to cookies strains but find this doesnt have much of a nose/faint smell, the animal cookies while still subtle has a much nicer nose . Gram was large, busts up well, smoked clean but rather tasteless. 7/10...
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2482d12 reviews
i wasn’t going to review anymore today but i was smell testing some and this blue dream caught my attention. never had blue dream before but it has a very strong berry smell, smoked super smooth in the bong with a nice thick smoke. might have to pick some of this up ASAP 10/10.

will revie...
sankakuajb·CheapWeed·2483d12 reviews
mmmmm purple weed. this stuff is super purple and super caked with a nice berry nose and berry smoke/taste. also the gram was huge, great strain 10/10.
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