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We promise to blowout prices on selected strains and lines so that we always carry fresh produce.
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deadmoney·BlowOut420·1479d87 reviews

Diamond Shark - Blowout420 - Dec 2020

Q: 7.5
V: 8.5

Medium sized buds which are semi dense with a lazy trim and a good trichome coverage. Nice squeeze but not overly humid or sticky when busted. The nose is mildly fruity, almost blueberry. Smokes smooth with a good, even burn and leaves a lighter salt and pepper ash. ...
Stonerscotian1·BlowOut420·1479d93 reviews

Pink Kush - Blowout 420 - December 2020

Stonerscotian·BlowOut420·1479d402 reviews

AK-47 - Blowout 420 - December 2020

506SK·BlowOut420·1479d100 reviews

Blowout420 - Black Diamomd - Dec2020

This stuff was on the budget menu along with a QP of cali bubba ..
Qp of black diamond was actually better than I thought it was gonna be .. Opened the bag up and had majority med size buds , lots of crystals on them , and the classic BD smell .. all have that purplish coloring throughou...
deadmoney·BlowOut420·1480d87 reviews

AK47 - Blowout420 - Dec 2020

Larger medium buds of paler greens and orange pistils with a nice amount of trichomes.
Typical nose of AK47 with some pungency, spice and small hint of skunk. A touch on the dry
side yet holding some decent humidity internally. Smoking fairly slowly, smooth and leaving
a salt and pepp...
1 · · ·3 4 5 6 7 · · ·71


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