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Carefully selected products sourced from top canadian distributers. High Grade Flower, Premium Hash, Extracts, Edibles, Topicals. Rewards/Refferal programs. $99 Oz Budget flower available
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Pitsy96·BlueMoonCannabis·1288d42 reviews

Strawberries & cream - bluemooncannabis - April 9th 21

Ended up getting 14gs of this for the price of 7 since they had the prices backwards on the site lol Nice tight rock hard buds but on the smaller side, Also pretty dry but not too bad. Tasted pretty good in bong, 3 bowls had me dummied. The highs pretty evenly balanced with several effects. Nice sto...
masoman95·BlueMoonCannabis·1314d22 reviews

Blue Moon - Moon Bites - March

Quality 8.5/10 Value 8.5/10

Taste good, like jello with gummy flavouring. I like that it’s RSO not just distillate like most others. I find the distillate high very one sided and plain. Full spectrum oils hit the body and are more beneficial medicinally as well. $9 for a pack, no...
Pitsy96·BlueMoonCannabis·1375d42 reviews

Indica smalls mixed - bluemooncannabis - January 12 21

100$ oz from bluemoon. Supposedly mixed indica smalls but it’s all one kind. Very leafy, looks like it was trimmed by a blind person. Buds are soft, spongey and range from .1 -.5 with absolutely no keif afterwards. Not much of a smell, if anything smells like grass almost. And the high.. there’...

Comatose from Bluemoon Cannabis 9/20

Grabbed an oz.for 150. Some medium buds but mostly smalls which I’m fine with. Really nice smell and taste but a little harsh on the exhale. Slow burning and decently light colored ash. Got a 2g sample of purple og which I havent tried yet
IllLeu·BlueMoonCannabis·1571d4 reviews

Pink Cake - Blue Moon Cannabis - June 2020

Q: 10/10

V: 9/10


A potent sweet tasting indica, burns very white and clean. Weighed 7.54g total as well I can’t complain for the price!! $65 + 10% off for using btc with free shipping
1 · · ·11 12 13 14 15 · · ·25


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