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Carefully selected products sourced from top canadian distributers. High Grade Flower, Premium Hash, Extracts, Edibles, Topicals. Rewards/Refferal programs. $99 Oz Budget flower available
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Bos·BlueMoonCannabis·519d168 reviews

KMAC * September

Strain - KMAC (Kush Mints x Animal Cookies)

Visual/Texture - compiled between smaller to medium sized buds, resembling spear headed shapes. Crisp walled exterior having a medium to firm density, with an interior cured to perfection, having a sticky freshness within. Sharing a colorful sprea...
Bos·BlueMoonCannabis·524d168 reviews

Root Beer Kush * September

Strain - Root Beer Kush

Vistual/Texture - medium sized buds sporting some pepper shaped resemblances. A soft  feeling surrounding, light fluffy air density, returning back to original form when decompressing. The nugs featuring a spread lighter moss green shades, darker olive hues, with br...
Bos·BlueMoonCannabis·529d168 reviews

Frosted Funk * August

Strain - Frosted Funk (Frosted Fruit Cake x Funky Charms)

Vistual/Texture - offering up some gorgeous color variations over these medium sized, spear shaped formations. Soft spongelike density quickly springing back to form, maintaining a sticky fresh lining through each bud. A congregated ...
Bos·BlueMoonCannabis·531d168 reviews

Tom Ford Pink * Blue Moon Cannabis * August

Strain - Tom Ford Pink (Pink Kush x Death Bubba)

Vistual/Texture - medium sized thick plump popcorn shaped resemblances. Fresh firm buds holding form when squeezed, lined to the core with a sticky resin texturing. A deep olive green shade contrasting with medium emerald tones, hiding bright...
Bos·BlueMoonCannabis·538d168 reviews

Blueberry Space Cake * Blue Moon Cannabis & August

Strain - Blueberry Space Cake (Outer Space x Alien Dutchess)

Visual/Texture - medium sized chunky bud formations, having rounded spade shaped structures. Fairly dense nugs limited to a medium amount of movement, housing inside a fresh sticky feel. Covered in a lightened moss green shade, mo...
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