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HypeInFaMous·BoxedBuds·1556d241 reviews

Blueberry Cookies - Boxedbuds - November

Smell had a really nice sweet blueberry scent.

Had perfect moisture.

Smoked fairly smooth and had some sweet blueberry notes came through in the taste with a bit of earthiness.

Burned very light.

Buzz was a nice relaxing mellow vibe with no tiredness o...
HypeInFaMous·BoxedBuds·1557d241 reviews

Kubbie Kush - Boxedbuds - November

TheOnlyQueenBee·BoxedBuds·1558d11 reviews

[Black Mamba] - [Boxed Buds] - [End of Nov]

My goodness! It looks so sweet and delicious and it really is. This is an indica strain and it's easy to see why it's been so popular. I convinced a few of my friends to order some as well and now we're all happy we did.
t0shie13·BoxedBuds·1559d56 reviews

Sweet Tooth - Boxed Buds - Mid Nov. 2020

MoM name : Boxed Buds ?

Packaging : True to the name, showed up in a box with a vac sealed bag inside. Discreet, no smell. Product was in plain mylar bag with the strain hand written in sharpie • 8/10

Bag Appeal/Nose : Beautiful Buds. Hues of purple throughout. Nose is super...
HypeInFaMous·BoxedBuds·1560d241 reviews

UK Cheese - Boxedbuds - November

1 · · ·64 65 66 67 68 · · ·150


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