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t0shie13·BoxedBuds·1632d56 reviews

Blue Magoo - Boxed Buds - Early Sept.

Super strong citrus nose. All big nugs like this. Bag appeal was amazing. Trim was good. Smokes great. Tested great. Potency 8/10. It is one of their budget strains, no complaints on this.
munnfromnewbrun·BoxedBuds·1636d47 reviews

White Widow - Boxedbuds - September

Different texture then the usual stuff, but it tastes good and burns clean. Really smooth fruity flavor.
munnfromnewbrun·BoxedBuds·1636d47 reviews

Hawaiian Haze - Boxedbuds - September

Couldn’t be happier with the Hawaiian haze I got from boxedbuds. Pretty much all medium sized nugs, opening the bag you’re smacked in the face with ridiculously fruity terps, smells like pineapples and mangos. Really nice taste and burns clean, pretty stoney, can’t ask for more at that price.
420revs·BoxedBuds·1638d15 reviews

Amnesia Haze - Boxed Buds - End August 2020

Overall 8.0/10

I travelled to Amsterdam some time ago and this strain stuck in my mind as an all-time Amsterdam great. Although this particular iteration is not as all-out amazing, I am still pleased with my purchase. The price plays a factors and the quality for value is what brings me bac...
wallbangu·BoxedBuds·1639d340 reviews

Durban Poison [ boxedbuds] 25/08/2020

Boxed buds hit again their durban never disapoint one of my go to budget day strain whenn i see it on the site.

Great durban smells earthy but piney with a nice skunky undertone

This was the batch before the price went down so id give 8.5/10 for quality and 7.5/10 for Value 120/...
1 · · ·74 75 76 77 78 · · ·150


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