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xxvictorhellxx·BudMail·124d16 reviews

Birthday Dawg (Jungle Ridge) - Budmail - September

Sticky and almost like they formed tight round nugs with crystal leaves. Smoke was decent as it has a sweet creamy taste that's just delicious with every toke. However the quality would stay around AA or AAA range I don't find it to be that potent. Still good but would be better if the price...
ChrisMoltisanti9·BudMail·466d2 reviews

My haul from BudMail

kush195171terwil·BudMail·520d1 review

Budmail great service

Panopyra·BudMail·552d14 reviews

Rainbow Chip (Cream Of The Crop) - Budmail - July 2023

Just like the name it does give a lot of colour ranging from deep purple into a burning haze of bright orange. not exactly the type of dense weed but it does retain a good flavor without being too dry. It's kinda like a bit sweet with a sour undertone to it. The potency is at the medium level th...
Panopyra·BudMail·553d14 reviews

Pink Kush (Lucky Farms) - Budmail - July 2023

Buds look alright with forest green look and plenty of trichomes coverage. They did the trim job really well and I'm glad my buds arrived this beautiful and neat. It has and sweet aroma when I grind it up and the taste has a certain spicy note to it. Potency is average but it's a good smoke ...
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