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Purple Zkittles - Cannablossom January 2023

High Octane AAA - Cannablossom - 1/30/2023

Intoxicating aroma. Definitely smokes like a quad
Alpha_Aleph·CannaBlossom·776d2 reviews

Critical Mass - Cannablossom (January 2023)

REVIEW: Critical Mass (AA) from Cannablossom

I have been ordering from this online store for several years.

This particular indica strain is known for its oversize buds. Quite big as you can see (next to a large/regular size Bic lighter). The smoke is especially thick and flavo...

Rocket Fuel (AAAA) - Cannablossom

MrsFord22·CannaBlossom·784d2 reviews

California Dream (A) with Seeds /Cannablossom

Curious what does something of this grade go for? I dont even see places selling this low grade of weed anymore, but I totally remember my newbie smoking days. And hey, if it smokes fine and dosent hurt your throat real bad and happens to work for you, what's the issue?

I've just ...
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