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MrsFord22·CannaBlossom·784d2 reviews

Purple Voodoo (AA)Cannablossom

Ordered 7gs of this bud to try. Definitely glad that we did, it smokes great has a nice high definitely hits you with the munchies hard lol smoked best in a joint but definitely does the trick for a bowl.

Master Tuna/cannablossom/january

mummymangoh·CannaBlossom·844d16 reviews

Pink Picasso - Cannablossom - November 2022

Some really decent nugs with various sizes. It has a good grapefruit scent and flavor with the larger nugs also having a decent amount of orange too. Definitely a well balance strain for relaxation and concentration. If you’re trying to relax this will get you pretty chill or it will make you happ...
Amsnowyy·CannaBlossom·895d19 reviews

Grape Krush AA - Cannablossom - September 2022

Big dense nugs with plenty of terp as I think it's perfectly cured. Taste and smell like sour grape and I bet this will be one of your tastiest smoke for sure. The grape-like taste fit perfectly with a it light smoothing balanced high. If you prefer something not overwhelmingly strong to chill o...
Amsnowyy·CannaBlossom·895d19 reviews

Rockstar AA - Cannablossom - September 2022

Very smelly in a good way. The nugs are in decent sizes ranging from average to large that are packed with crystals. The taste is a mixture of skunky and earthy just like a smell with an extra note of spicy. The THC is above average and I feel a strong body high on this one. Feels really good before...
1 · · ·9 10 11 12 13 · · ·20


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