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Justin_ml·CannaBlossom·977d2 reviews

Snowcone - CannaBlossom - July 2022

Snowcone - CannaBlossom - July 2022

BAG APPEAL 9.5/10: Large light green, and frosty. You immediately notice the large buds with long orange hairs as soon as you look at the bag. Largest bud was 6.4g (1/2oz purchased).

NOSE 10/10: Very strong pungent lemon/citrus smell. Absolut...
Justin_ml·CannaBlossom·977d2 reviews

Cookies & Cream X Purple Punch - CannaBlossom - July 2022

Cookies & Cream X Purple Punch - CannaBlossom - July 2022

BAG APPEAL 8.5/10: Light green and frosty buds with a hint of purple, trimmed very nicely, largest bud in the bag was 1.82g (Only 1/4oz was purchased).

NOSE 9/10: Very fruity aroma with hint of vanilla. The fruity aroma ...
peempc·CannaBlossom·1006d1 review

MAC10 from Cannablossom

Amsnowyy·CannaBlossom·1034d19 reviews

Lava cake mini pre-rolls - Canna blossom - 1st week of May

Joints that are finally me size and I love the large filter. I don't need to smoke that much in a session anyway and can finish these joints without putting it out. The taste is sweet mixed with nutty herbs aroma and every toke feel heavenly relaxing. These are the perfect size to fit in my min...
worreyevan·CannaBlossom·1097d20 reviews

Gumbo - Cannablossom - March

Small, sticky, and really greenish nug. I have only smoked this once during the weekend and it lasted for a solid 4-5 hours. This one is more of a light Indica since I can still move around and relaxed at the same time so if you are looking for pain management this one could work. The smell is punge...
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