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Flowers (focused on indica)
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banana044·CannaBudPost·1719d6 reviews

MAC #1 - CannabudPost (Flawless BC) - June 2020

Diesel flavor. Decently pungent aroma upon opening bag. I found the effects to be euphoric and motivating but also relaxing. Makes music sound better. Nice, balanced hybrid enjoyable for any time of the day.

NYC Sour Diesel - CannaBudPost - beginning of April 2020

First time ordering from a mom, took some time to look around at different moms but found the monthly oz mix and match at cbp affordable and offered good selection. I got this nyc sour d, red Congo, AK 47 and cookies and cream for 185$ (I paid a lil extra for red Congo). Plus they added a gram of pi...
breaktime1·CannaBudPost·1741d28 reviews

Lemon MAC / Cannabudpost / May

Quality: 4/10
Value: 4/10

Forgot to mention this is Flawless BC. Very disappointed in this one. Was a bit moist, Smelled weird and had a taste I did not enjoy. Leaves a weird smell in the room. However my friend didn’t mind it. Price is too high for this level of quality.
ExtensionIdea8·CannaBudPost·1749d12 reviews

Mystery AAA - cannabudpost - may

I loved the smoke of this, tried to ask them on IG but they said mystery to you, mystery to me, so not much I can do
ExtensionIdea8·CannaBudPost·1749d12 reviews

Watermelon Haze - cannabudpost - may

This is a nice replacement to super silver haze. The bag appeal is much nicer forsure, this watermelon could have passed for an low AAAA easily. i loved the piney taste
1 · · ·13 14 15 16 17 · · ·41


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