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idle-mind88·CannaBudPost·2004d58 reviews



Customer Service- The representative was very responsive and always answered my inquiries and comments within a few hours of me leaving them on discord.  They were very knowledgeable on their product and open to hearing honest criticism which is very refreshing....
notmpulse·CannaBudPost·2006d96 reviews

Cannabudpost Darth Vader Sept

Really good, I did a full review at [](
Mpulse·CannaBudPost·2006d30 reviews

Cannabudpost Review Darth Vader Sept 6th 2019

Mom: Cannabudpost

Sign Up: Straightforward, no id required

Customer Service: Top notch as usual

Order: 125$ Labor Day Sale 4 strain variety pack. Ordered Monday night arrived Friday morning in New Brunswick

Package came in a standard vac sealed bags inside of a car...
709greenreviews·CannaBudPost·2006d31 reviews

Darth Vader OG - Cannabudpost - September 6 2019

Got this as part of a mix and match oz will post a detailed review later when I try it
709greenreviews·CannaBudPost·2006d31 reviews

Wedding Cake - Cannabudpost - Sept 6 2019

Got this as part of a mix and match ounce and is the only strain I’ve tried so far, am very impressed with this one a very sweet smell almost of vanilla and a nice hybrid buzz that I found to be not overwhelming but still fairly potent, the strain is rated AAA on there site and I feel that’s fai...
1 · · ·30 31 32 33 34 · · ·41


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