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Gas Basket - CannaPanda - November

Gas Basket by Pacific Bud Boys / CannaPanda

Definitely a decent pick for sure, strong gas Indica vibes. A bit high on the tag, but nothing but top notch satisfaction. Clean mostly white ash with an impressive oil ring. Kind of reminds me of a Death Bubba a bit personally. Quality 9/10 Val...
preeol·CannaPanda·845d9 reviews

Balaklava by Green Camel - Cannapanda - Middle of October 2022

Always wanted to give the stuff from Green Camel a shot. Taste is very vanilla sweet and smooth for both inhale and exhale. The euphoric high can come quick and intense initially but will dull out a bit later as your body settle down. Burn clean and I see no trace of pepper or black ash here. If you...
pooplinded-·CannaPanda·865d10 reviews

Super runts/ cannapanda/ sept 2022

This stuff is delicious and has a really unique smell to I would describe it as pineapple gas that translates perfectly in joints.High is very nice too it’s a potent hybrid. Hopefully pineapple has another flower drop because I would love to try more strains from them
LampShadeListick·CannaPanda·872d17 reviews

Gas Cream Cake (smalls)&(full oz)/ Luna West / CannaPanda Sept/Oct-2022

Gas Cream Cake = ICC x Sunset Sherbet x Hectane #3

Great cross here. Smells like Ice cream cake with a gassy kick. I was nursing my last nugs of this by Cookies and Gas. Then I stumbled upon Luna's batch on CP. Scooped up some smalls to try. 1st time trying Luna and so glad I did. Cle...
sveltediagnosis·CannaPanda·880d20 reviews

[Florida Kush] - [cannapanda] - [September]

Looks: Good trim, nice crystals, fairly nice sized for the most part 9/10

Nose, flavour: Really strong nose and flavours, mostly pungent kush n lemon. 9/10

Potency/high: Awesome high and buzz. Potency on the higher side than medium. Good hybrid maybe get a little more indica ef...
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