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Wide selection of high quality AAA & AAAA
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j_killian·CannaPanda·1739d56 reviews

Beach cake , Canna Panda, May 20th

This was my first order with canna panda and I was really impressed with the quality it was 240$ but with the sale came to 204$ it’s a mix of wedding cake x Tropicana.
When you take the Buds out you notice how dense they are and as you pull it apart it sticks to your fingers when you take a h...
aLiterateBudpinion·CannaPanda·1775d45 reviews

Grease Monkey / CannaPanda / April 14th

Yeah! Will be doing a review later today or tomorrow.
aLiterateBudpinion·CannaPanda·1775d45 reviews

Citrique / CannaPanda / April 14th

Yes definitely.

10/10 Value 8.5/10 Quality

This particular bud is of AAA caliber, (perhaps AAA+) and I feel it’s reasonably priced and worth the 120. Bag appeal is top notch stuff. Most of my buds are a bright shade of green but there’s actually some that have purple hues to it...
1 · · ·38 39 40 41 42


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