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oldgodkino·CannaPanda·618d1 review

Lemon Dolato & Roji OG by Poncho Farms - sourced @ Cannapanda (Jan 2023)

i was picking up these 14g jars for a bit and went through a few strains. these 2 were my favourite, but overall poncho's fse is some of the best i've had in years

both have strong terpy noses with clear diamonds in a thick, syrupy sauce. roji og is the only one cannapanda sells t...
Bouaiben·CannaPanda·619d51 reviews

Atomic Apple x cookie stomper smalls, green camel, canna panda, April

I kinda prefer this version over the last one , sweet Apple pie terps , so good ?
Bouaiben·CannaPanda·619d51 reviews

Z3 smalls, green camel, canna panda, April

Nice sweet skittle terp dominant, smooth smoke , another banger from the camel
Bouaiben·CannaPanda·628d51 reviews

33 splitter smalls, acmpr, cannapanda, April

Nice nnice nnnniceee creamy citrus herbal terps I’m lovin it so much
Bouaiben·CannaPanda·628d51 reviews

Vanilla lemon heads smalls, acmpr, cannapanda, April

Delicious sweet vanilla and lemon terps , super nice day time smoke ??✌️
1 · · ·3 4 5 6 7 · · ·42


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