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Low prices, high quality with exceptional customer service
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oswald·CannabisCanadaShop·2330d10 reviews

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Hi there, I’m Shill Shillington, you might remember me from such MoM reviews as Cheapweed and MarijaneDepot. Today I’m here to talk to you about I have to tell you, the first time I heard that name, I thought, I’ve heard that name forty billion times before. It’s...
SkeletoR·CannabisCanadaShop·2330d15 reviews

CannabisCanadaShop samples review

MOM Name CannabisCanadaShop

Overall rating out of 10: 10/10

Sign Up:

Ordering & Pricing: pricing is reasonable compared to other MOMs

Communication: communication was great, pretty easy going. Usually quick to respond.

Packaging: box with tissue paper to stop...

CannabisCanadaShop - Various samples - Oct 2018

CannabisCanadaShop - Samples - Oct 2018

Link to album

About a week ago CCS contacted me via the HighIntel discord server asking if I would be interested in reviewing some of their products.

They ship out of the GTA and I am in Ontario so the sample...

GSC from CannabisCanadaShop

This was really potent! very caked im getting another OZ to squish into rosin so ill for sure let you know how that goes but the taste and smell were on point. And the strength of this blew me away. im for sure placing another order.

Sample pack from CannabisCanadaShop!

3 strains ( GSC , anni , fruity pebbles)

Fruity pebbles: By far the coolest strain I’ve ever received from a mom. Full purp on the outside pretty caked. Placing an order for an ounce soon.9/10. wish it had a better taste.

Anni : a...
1 · · ·11 12 13 14 15


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