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Agent Orange - CannabisCanadaShop - December 2019

So I’m just getting around to doing my review on this one, Christmas and all... I tried this one last as it had the worst bag appeal (aside from the fact that my two ounces of “Super Sour Patch” looked and smelled completely different). As you can see, it’s a rough trim and this was the larg...

Cherry Kush - CannabisCanadaShop - December 2019

Out of the three strains I ordered from these guys (and possible four I got :s ) this one has the best bag appeal with a lot of decent sized bugs. The cure is quite good on it with good bud structure. Nose is a little light but the flavour comes through in a joint or the bong. Also the whitest ash o...

Super Sour Patch - CannabisCanadaShop - December 2019

So, this was my first order from these guys. I ordered two ounces each of the Cherry Kush, Super Sour Patch, and Agent Orange.

I had seen them commenting on a thread on here for first time customers to contact their online chat for promotions. When I did I was told they were offering sampl...

Pineapple Express-CannabisCanadaShop-December

Delicious smell and taste. Came nice and sticky. Would recommend to all who like great quality bud for great prices.
bassdrop30·CannabisCanadaShop·1900d96 reviews

Dragon Breath - CannabisCanadaShop - December 19

Yeah, I commented on your thread. Dont be that annoying person in your complaints and be posting all over the place. They fucked you, you made a thread, get over it.
1 2 3 4 5 · · ·15


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