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StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2231d474 reviews

Purple Mamba - Cheapweed - January

Smells sweet/earthy with hints of grape/pine and similar taste. Burns dark grey ash and is a little harsh but gets the job done. Decent body buzz with a euphoric/relaxing high. Nugs are medium density and fluffy when broken up; great for rolling. AA+
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2231d474 reviews

Black Diesel - Cheapweed - January

Diesel taste is noticeable but also has a skunky kick to it.. Diesel/skunk with a floral/earthy finish.

Sour Diesel or NYC diesel has a stronger diesel taste imo.
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2231d474 reviews

Frosty Flakes - Cheapweed - January

That’s pretty easy to spend when you are buying wholesale. Just noticed that yesterday not sure why or how long that will be like that.
Kushyushy·CheapWeed·2234d1 review

Cheapweed white kush&Durban posion

White kush: the white kush had alot of larger to medium sized nugs which I’m a huge fan of, a sweet pungent aroma that is very pleasureable to smell every time I open the jar! A solid sense bud texture.

The indica buzz on this one is super heavy it caught me by surprise smoking it early ...
chochie·CheapWeed·2236d3 reviews

6 month review of

so 6 months in with these guys and nothing but smiles from myself and my customers all of the product i have recieved has been top shelf, no issues to date with shipping times or anything of the sort, and the customer service kicks ass they’ve accomodated all of my larger purchases even streamlin...
1 · · ·12 13 14 15 16 · · ·86


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