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dagger211·CheapWeed·2257d3 reviews

Zedd X Nuken - Cheapweed - December 20

Yeah it’s decent stuff. I got it for 650 for the half P
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2263d474 reviews

Violator Kush - Cheapweed - December

This Violator is AAA/AAA+ imo the nugs are fresh and sticky with a musty earth smell and flavour. Strong body buzz that makes you sleepy. It burns white/light grey ash and is easy to roll with; nice fluffy bud when broken up. Qp was around 360 solid deal!
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2263d474 reviews

Duke Nukem - Cheapweed - December

The nose on this Duke Nukem is crazy! Sweet/floral with undertones of skunk. The taste is like sweet marshmallow and floral/skunk.

The high is uplifting and relaxes the mind. Not really a heavy body buzz but enough to be calm and comfortable. Burns clean white/grey ash and the buds are fre...
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2263d474 reviews

Darth Vader - Cheapweed - December

Nice amount of crystals but slightly dry with decent nose. Smells like earthy grapes with undertones of pine and tastes sweet/pine with a smooth earthy finish. The burn is light grey ash and provides a relaxing/sleepy type of high; definitely a night time or relaxing/sleep aid strain.

REVOQUE·CheapWeed·2270d9 reviews

Nuken - Cheapweed - December

I’m not sure what grade this is but it’s a little leafy overall. The high is fucking powerful though jeez. $180/oz for this is what I paid. Cheapweed has good price but you gotta buy so much weed to get bulk pricing. Overall, I give it a 2 thumbs up!


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