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/u/chronicpost and


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jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1173d130 reviews

Pink Muerte /Chronic Post /January

The buds are small in size, compact, slightly dry. On the nose, A sweet, herbaceous and sugar aroma.

The taste is sweet and spicy, The smoke is not too strong for the throat, smoke, Nice burning the ashes are salt and pepper. 8/10
Quick123666·ChronicPost·1174d15 reviews

Pink Muerte /Chronic Post /January

The buds are small in size, compact, slightly dry,
On the nose, sweet herbaceous and sugar
The taste is sweet and spicy, The smoke is not too strong for the throat, smoke, Nice burning the ashes are salt and pepper.
8/10 8/10
jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1174d130 reviews

I-95 / Chronic Post/ January

Small, compact, sticky buds. On the nose: the smell is rather sweet, a tangy diesel odor, slightly earthy Very rich in flavor, chemical taste, a diesel taste with an acid touch. Very strong smoke for the throat I coughed from the first poff. The ashes are rather dark gray. The effect is moderat...
Quick123666·ChronicPost·1175d15 reviews

I-95 /Chronic Post/January

Small, compact, sticky buds.

On the nose: the smell is rather sweet, a tangy diesel odor, slightly earthy

Very rich in flavor, chemical taste, a diesel taste with an acid touch.

Very strong smoke for the throat I coughed from the first poff.
The ashes are rather dark g...
jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1175d130 reviews

Ice Cream /Chronic Post /January

All in all good, but the description on the site differs from the product. For the smell, it's rather tart, a mixture of lemon, pine, slightly spicy The taste is earthy, fruity, with a hint of pine on the exhale. The buds are dry on the outside but sticky on the inside energizing effect, Very ge...
1 · · ·5 6 7 8 9 · · ·56


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