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jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1403d130 reviews

Ghost og / Chronic post/Febuary

Nice bud of medium size compact, sticky, The color changes from green to yellow, with dark purple tints.

Smell sweet, floral, pungent, earthy

Taste, floral, herbaceous, earthy, tangy

Burns well the ashes are white

Leaves mouth dry after smoking a joint<...
jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1404d130 reviews

Fuelato/Chronic Post /Febuary

The buds are fluffy, sticky. A shade passing from pale green to forest green the pistils dark brown, covered with a layer of frost, and some purple tints.

On the nose it is sweet, gasy, kerosene, sugar

A fuel taste, pungent

Beautiful combustion, pale gray ash Gentle...
jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1404d130 reviews

Diablo og / Chronic Post /Febuary

Les buds sont de taille moyenne ,La couleur est assez foncer,un vert forêt ,les pistil sont de couleur brun foncé ,avec quelques teintes violette. Compacte et collante .

Au nez et au goût c'est très floral et épicée, sucré

Belle combustion cendre sel et poivre, ...
jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1405d130 reviews

Exodus cheese / Chronic post/Febuary

They are very beautiful buds, forest green, frosted with a few purple tints. Very well trimmed, on the other hand it is dry.

On the nose, when you open the bag, you can smell the stinking smell of cheese, after grinding it, the smell is rather tangy. To the taste, it is very cheezy, spi...
jesaispas666·ChronicPost·1418d130 reviews

Pink Muerte/Chronic Post/January

Small in size, very compact, sticky

On the nose, sweet, earthy and floral

Floral, pungent, earthy taste

Ash, salt and pepper Gentle on the throat

The very soothing effect

8.5 / 10
1 · · ·3 4 5 6 7 · · ·55


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