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wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1415d44 reviews

Pineapple Express - GanjaGrams - April 19, 2021

Review: What an awesome Sativa strain. Very aromatic with sweet and tropical tones. I really like the mango after taste it gives. Buzz is very euphoric and uplifting. I use it for the end of the day. DEFINITELY a knock out. Also good for managing minor pains. Flowers are well-frosted and burns v...
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1415d44 reviews

Peanut Butter Breath - GanjaGrams - April 19, 2021

Review: Nice Hybrid strain. Smells really good with fruity and sweet tones. I really like the peppery after taste it gives. Buzz is very euphoric and very creative. Good mid-day break. Very nice and mellow Flowers are well-frosted. Burns well. Good price for a strong effect. Two thumbs up.
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1415d44 reviews

Slurricane - GanjaGrams - April 19, 2021

Review: Love this Indica strain. Very aromatic with peppery and floral tones. I really like the citrusy after taste it gives. Very woodsy feel. Very good buzz. Definitely a body high. Good for appetite loss and insomnia. Flowers are well-frosted and burns very well. Good price for a potent effe...
onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1427d27 reviews

Mac 1 - GanjaGrams - April

Quality 7.510 Value 8/10

This strain is absolutely top notch grade A++ Excellent for mind and body great stress reliever and muscle relaxer no more twice in my neck from my pinched nerve nor does my arthritic knee acting up and if it was prior to then it settles down. This strain is magic...
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1429d44 reviews

SkyWalker OG - GanjaGrams - April 5,2021

Review: Love this Indica strain. Very aromatic with earthy and sweet tones. I really like the spicy after taste it gives. Very woodsy feel. Very good buzz. Definitely a body high. Good for appetite loss and insomnia. Flowers are well-frosted and burns very well. Good price for a potent effect. ...
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