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tastexpensive·GanjaGrams·1440d4 reviews

Pineapple Express Cartridge – GanjaGrams – March 23

tastexpensive·GanjaGrams·1440d4 reviews

Mango Haze Cartridge – GanjaGrams – March 23

onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1442d27 reviews

Gorilla Glue 4 - GanjaGrams - March 2021

Quality 8.5/10 Value 8/10

This is a very heavy strain. It's a hybrid but it feels very much like an indica in that you're not gonna be extremely active after using this. It doesn't make you drowsy but it will plant you. Very heady buzz but also very relaxing. Settle in though....
Firm-Papaya·GanjaGrams·1449d31 reviews

Peanut butter breath - GanjaGrams - March

Quality 9/10 Value 9/10

Had just a couple hits of this strain and I was knocked on my ass. Not gonna lie, the high started a lil’ shaky, and I was experiencing some mild anxiety at first, but once all that was through with, I enjoyed a very nice sedated, thought filled, euphoric high. V...
onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1454d27 reviews

Slurricane - GanjaGrams - March

Quality 8.5/10 Value 8/10

Smells like sweet berries and pine with a hint of muskiness. Taste like spicy sweet berries and mint with hints of pungent musk. Very euphoric tingly relaxing high feel heavy relaxation right on eyelids as well. Pain relief felt. Some dry eyes and dry mouth.
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