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wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1485d44 reviews

White Fire OG - GanjaGrams - Feb.9, 2021

Nice Indica strain. Smells really good with earthy and woody tones. I really like the floral after taste it gives. Buzz is very euphoric and very creative. Good mid-day break. Very nice and mellow Flowers are well-frosted. Burns well. Good price for a strong effect. Two thumbs up.
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1485d44 reviews

Sky Walker OG - GanjaGrams - Feb.9, 2021

What an awesome Indica strain. Very aromatic with earthy and piney tones. I really like the spicy after taste it gives. Buzz is very euphoric and uplifting. I use it for the end of the day. DEFINITELY a knock out. Flowers are well-frosted and burns very well. Very affordable for a legit effect...
onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1492d27 reviews

Great white shark - GanjaGrams - February

Value 9/10 Quality 8.5/10

Very good strain. Seconds after smoking it I could already feel the effects, which were at once very relaxing and mood elevating. Earthy, Fruity taste and a great pain reliever for cramps or tense muscles.
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1494d44 reviews

Blue Dream - GanjaGrams - Jan.31, 2021

What an awesome Hybrid strain. Very aromatic with sweet and berry tones. I really like the blueberry after taste it gives. Buzz is very euphoric and relaxing. I use it for the end of the day. DEFINITELY a knock out. Flowers are well-frosted and burns very well. Very affordable for a legit effe...
wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1494d44 reviews

Purple Gods Gift - GanjaGrams - Jan.31, 2021

Love this Indica strain. Very aromatic with sweet and grapey tones. I really like the creamy after taste it gives. Very good buzz. Definitely a body high. Good for appetite loss and insomnia. Flowers are well-frosted and burns very well. Good price for a potent effect. Two thumbs up for sure!...
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