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wizzzardharry·GanjaGrams·1504d44 reviews

Ice Cream Cake - GanjaGrams - Jan.22, 2021

Love this Indica strain. Very aromatic with sweet and nutty tones. I really like the creamy after taste it gives. Very good buzz. Definitely a body high. Good for appetite loss and insomnia. Flowers are well-frosted and burns very well. Good price for a potent effect. Two thumbs up for sure!<...
Firm-Papaya·GanjaGrams·1506d31 reviews

OG Kush - GanjaGrams - January

Quality 8.5/10 Value 8/10

An absolute classic strain, and a must try for those new to cannabis. Good strain to have in your medicine cabinet at all times! Earthy, woody, piney and on occasion if you have the right phenotype, a little lemony. It hits fast and goes straight to your head, le...
Barrbruce·GanjaGrams·1510d4 reviews

Og kush - ganjagrams - 14/01/2021

Firm-Papaya·GanjaGrams·1513d31 reviews

Tangerine dream - GanjaGrams - January

Quality 9/10 Value 9/10

One of the best stains I've tried. It gave me a chill head high, while taking away my back pain at the same time. My body felt great for a few hours. Would recommend this to first timers.
onetailedgaara·GanjaGrams·1520d27 reviews

Black diamond - GanjaGrams - January 2021

Quality 8.5/10 Value 8/10

Love this strain. Very important to have food around if you are going to enjoy this bud. It tastes great, smooth in a bong and hits hard but in a way you can still do certain things. I like it for my back pain as well as my anxiety as there is no paranoia with th...
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