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bos420·GoldenUnicornGardens·1366d643 reviews

LA Kush Cake * Golden Unicorn Gardens * May

Strain - LA Kush Cake (Gorilla Glue 4 x LA Kush) by Broke Kid Grows

Visual/Texture - the entire half zip bricked itself together coming as a compilation of several smaller to medium sized nugs making up the formation. Rock hard density with really no give at all, snapping each of these bu...
6ixchronic·GoldenUnicornGardens·1368d117 reviews

LA Kush Cake (brokekidgrows) - Golden Unicorn Gardens - May 2021

Oooouueee, the triches are so shiny this LA Kush cake literally looks like its got a thick layer of icing on the surface. The last time I got something from brokekid, it was 3inthepink from a couple years back. Besides the amazing appeal, the 3inthepink was so memorable because if it's complexit...
6ixchronic·GoldenUnicornGardens·1370d117 reviews

Doughboy Pink (Gary in the Garden) - Golden Unicorn Gardens - May 2021

Probably the 4th or 5th batch of this strain that I have tried and there is a reason I keep loading up on it. The nugs have that darker dank look to them with great density and stickiness. The flavour profile is amazing. That vanilla savory gassy sweetness. Hits the spot every time. Doesn't slap...
6ixchronic·GoldenUnicornGardens·1370d117 reviews

Gucci Pink -mediums (Captains Pink) - Golden Unicorn Gardens - May 2021

Another lovely pink cut by the captain. This one like always got that smooth floral gas with a huge kick. Definitely for night time as it's quite the couch locker. Nice consistent slow burn with a decent oil ring. Just saw a post of a sacred bag of this at 130/ho. I think I got this for half of ...
bos420·GoldenUnicornGardens·1373d643 reviews

Quadra Pink * Golden Unicorn Gardens * May

Strain - Quadra Pink by Captain's Pink

Visual/Texture - these sticky buds came together as a small greenish, purple brick. Nugs packed together of smaller in size, crispy exterior, with a slight stickiness to them, and fairly densely compact together with little to no give. Shared sh...
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