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biggiesmalls84·HillSidePharms·1709d64 reviews

UK Cheese - June 29 2020 - Hillside Pharms

Super stinky cheese
HoneyDaZe77·HillSidePharms·1733d8 reviews

Hidden Pastry #8 - HSP - June 2020

Received these 2 nugs as a free sample on my latest order. Rolled one joint and it burned very nice. Relaxing, mellow high. Definitely for evening use, I am currently stuck to my couch.

Might consider grabbing this on my next order.
biggiesmalls84·HillSidePharms·1736d64 reviews

Kootenay Buddha Balls by Mountain Pure - Hash - June 1st 2020 - Hillside Pharms

I’m sorry guys. I was offline for a while.

This hash is potent, sticky and wonderful to smoke. Not as much of a nose as other hash I’ve had but very good quality. Best I’ve had in last few hash addons to my smoke orders.
bos420·HillSidePharms·1741d643 reviews

Kush Mints x Secret Cookies #12 * HSP * April

Strain - Kush Mints x Secret Cookies #12


Smell - it has an earthy smell with hints of mint in it. Once its busted up, it gives off a nicer kush smell overall

Smoke - fairly smooth, great for later day or evening smoke. Clean burn and decent tasting throughout th...
bos420·HillSidePharms·1741d643 reviews

Tangie Ghost Train Haze * HSP * May

Strain - Tangie Ghost Train Haze


Smell - super nice smelling stuff. Tangerine smell is for sure existant on this

Smoke - good daytime smoke or wake and bane, fairly smooth burn, white and grey ash

High - relaxing sativa high, able to bang out any errands...
1 · · ·12 13 14 15 16 · · ·111


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