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Specializes in connoisseur buds. Quality over Quantity and also in co2 carts & Bulk orders
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brownsyndrome·HillSidePharms·1799d52 reviews

Bubbashine / Hillside Pharms / March 31st

Got a gram sample to try out. Really nice looking bud, a bit dry, grinds up purple with a spicy aroma to it and decent potency.

Quality: 8/10, Value: 8.5/10
LeBim666·HillSidePharms·1800d142 reviews

Bubba shine - HSPHARMS - March 2020

Always a winner that bubba shine!! Shine shine like a diamond!! Those color are nice.
brownsyndrome·HillSidePharms·1801d52 reviews

Scoops / Hillside Pharms / March 29th

More pictures:

Visually stunning bud with awesome trim, cure, and decent potency but I did find it short lived where the initial high was solid buy found myself wanting to smoke another bowl a bit earlier than expected.

Quality: 8.5/10, Value: 8.5/...
brownsyndrome·HillSidePharms·1802d52 reviews

9 Pound Hammer / Hillside Pharms / March 28th

Qualit: 7/10 Value: 8/10
brownsyndrome·HillSidePharms·1803d52 reviews

Blackwater OG / Hillside Pharms / March 27th

One of the very few times that I was not a big fan of the smell, usually love most of them. This one smelled like rotten fruit but with out the sweetness or the fruityness, just kinda off. That said, I can see how some people might enjoy that aroma.
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