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Amherst Sour Diesel - HSP - December 2019

CP is either taking two weeks to deliver stuff to me or inexplicably delivering within 12 hours on a Sunday and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it
thepokernit·HillSidePharms·1917d9 reviews

Blue Dosi - HSP - Dec2019

yeah the size of the fucking nugs on this sale run(I bought 3oz cuz 35% off is the best deal they ever had) is insaaaaaaaaaaaane.

The nose, the crystals, the smell.

True AAAA,
jfwelll·HillSidePharms·1917d21 reviews

Chernobyl - HSP - dec19

A small 1.2gram nug.
I begged my gf long enough so that she give another part of my xmas gift!

Smells pungeant im trying it in a few minutes!
biggiesmalls84·HillSidePharms·1918d64 reviews

Full Spectrum Honey Oil - 3mL - Hillside Pharms

From the site:

Oro Honey Oil

Cannabinoid Profile: THC 86%, CBG 1.1%, CBD 1.7%, CBN .7%

Terpene Profile: Caryophllene 5.3%, Nerolidol 3.6%, Humulene 2.2%, Valencene 2.2%, Bisabolol 2%

First time trying it. Picked up on sale on Black Friday. I plan t...
biggiesmalls84·HillSidePharms·1918d64 reviews

Ice Wreck - Dec 4 2019 - Hillside Pharms

I’ve had the strain before and as soon as I got this, I went to identify that unique smell. I love it. It’s almost like a chemical like smell but in a good way,

Very sticky, covered in crystal. Ice Wreck is potent stuff. It was 35% off on Black Friday!
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