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Specializes in connoisseur buds. Quality over Quantity and also in co2 carts & Bulk orders
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thechronickid_00·HillSidePharms·2354d1233 reviews

Grand Daddy Purps - HSP - September 18

Just like someone that previously posted said this is an extremely grape smelling bud and it tastes amazing too. Stunk up the whole house when i was weighing it. Very relaxed high more on the indica side. I only get this feeling with certain strains where i basically feel like a floating head lol be...

Grand Daddy Purps - HSP - Sept

Haven’t even tried this yet but holy fuck. I’ve never truely smelt grape on a strain until today, my lord this is one of the sweetest grapiest strains I’ve ever come across. I’ve had GDP before, but HSP has the bomb GDP for real.

Super caked, slightly fluffy nugs.
LeBim666·HillSidePharms·2362d142 reviews

Caboose - hspharms, sunlight

So true haha! Didn’t see other member with it.
It’s so beautiful to look at!!
xy1408·HillSidePharms·2363d73 reviews

Purple kush - HSP - Sep 18 (budget)

I agree one of the best budget I ever got . It pretty nice for night time. Puts me to sleep and taste kinda gassy which is pretty good for price
Imo HSP is one of the best and they have promos almost every month
bellatron·HillSidePharms·2364d110 reviews


Haven’t tried this yet but looks beautiful and smells like mint no joke.
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