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MOMAccount123·HillSidePharms·2434d17 reviews

Blueberry Jam - HSPharms - July

It’s nice. Reminds me of blue dream can definitely smell the blueberry. Doesn’t seem to be crazy potent and the trim could be a bit better but I can’t complain for $130
devinthemango·HillSidePharms·2436d2 reviews

Hillside Pharms - July 2018

MOM Name: Hillside Pharms

Overall rating out of 10: 8/10

Sign Up: Fairly quick, ID is required. I’ve read on the discord that they might have a new policy requiring you to verify your address, but I didn’t have to do that.

Ordering & Pricing: I ordered an ounce of their S...

Space Candy - Hillside Pharms - July 2018

It’s great, I’m posting a review on the megathread shortly, but quicky:
- smooth smoke
- very potent
- indica heavy effects
- very dense, sticky nugs
- very strong comedown (better for nighttime use I guess)
LeBim666·HillSidePharms·2439d142 reviews

Glueberry of #1.. HSPHARMS

#1 is way better than #2...
But just saw they got a #3 now! This one look fire too.

HSP “Baby” Glueberry

real nice. seems like just a great deal on some smaller buds
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