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Gethighonlife420·KingTuts·2073d11 reviews

Chocolope kush -king tuts- April 4/20 sale

Just recieved this and wow am I impressed. The best budget z I have ever seen ($87). I pressed a G and .18 of golden beautiful smelling amber rosin came out. The only thing I would say could improve is it has a very weak nose in flower( great in rosin).
Jony6654·KingTuts·2074d1 review

King tut sent OZ with 16g shake.

Overall rating out of 2/10

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25B-KMFDM·KingTuts·2075d5 reviews

Pink kish smalls ---- king tuts April

OZ was a huge portion shake and was advertised as AAAA, very dissapointed.
It seems i got the last bag as everyone elses looked completely different.
Toshaneal96·KingTuts·2079d9 reviews

Kingtuts trim shatter. April 13.

For the price of this shatter, you can’t go wrong. Not overwhelming. Great for day time use. Nice flavour. Payed 350 for this oz. Up there with other house shatters that cost more.
bburrr·KingTuts·2079d138 reviews

Chocolope - King Tuts / KT - Apr '19

This stuff is good. The flavor is muddy, hard to put a finger on. Potency is there, but I feel like this high doesn’t really hit the head or the body all that hard. It’s a nice, easy-going stone without too much depth but decent smell and high bag appeal.

The smell off it is dir...
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