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lemieux6262·KingTuts·1322d205 reviews

King Tuts- The Dope Dispensary- May 2021

Medium sized chunky diamonds coated in a even coating of sauce giving the diamonds a light peach to yellow appearance; depending on the amount collected together. The consistency was tacky with the product initially feeling dense and slightly hardened on the exterior. After agitating the concentrate...
KT_Peanut·KingTuts·1481d1 review

[BlackBerry] - [King Tuts] - [november] Does this weed look weird? It is either very terpy or it's been sprayed with something

It was a cheap ounce and quite frankly I have never had weed with this kind of look to it. It smells amazing and it looks super frosty to me too. At the same time I just want to be sure, it's just sooo hairy looking
breaktime1·KingTuts·1643d28 reviews

Tom Ford Pink Kush / King Tuts Cannabis / Mid June

[Another photo](

Q: 8.5/10
V: 8/10

This was recommended to me by a friend. Have had tough time getting good weed lately.

Very sticky dank stuff. Clean Taste. Trim could be a little better. Will buy again.
cannadatrees·KingTuts·1728d196 reviews

Violator - kingtuts - mar/20

Same violator that all MOMs have for $99 - I’m sure they grab from the same farm, it’s pretty consistent across many MOMs. Nice medium sized sticky buds, typical strong violator musty smell.

Pretty strong taste as well, classic violator taste and smell. Burns light

Nice indic...
t0shie13·KingTuts·1734d56 reviews

Purple Candy [smalls] - KingTuts - March 2020

Definitely worth the $89. Full jar of cute little dark green and purple nugs. Nice Indica buzz but not couch-lock. I’d buy it again.
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