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Spearheadjah·KingTuts·1842d46 reviews

Black Nuken- King Tuts - Dec - warning

Got sent this for Black Nuken, definitely not Black Nuken, dry, scrappy, fluffy buds, with zero trichomes. Definitely a shitty batch of Nuken, as the Nuken smell, not Black Nuken! Probably the worst batch of Nuken I have ever received
thepokernit·KingTuts·1845d9 reviews

Mendo Breath - King Tuts - Dec 2019

Absolutely lit. Picked up half a zip for Cybermonday deal(10% off) and cannot complain.

some of THE MOST dense nugs I have ever received.

Nose profile: 7/10, but going to let them sit in boveda pack for a few days to reasses. I didnt crack em open since im on Tbreak till next week...
aLiterateBudpinion·KingTuts·1846d45 reviews

Ghost Train Haze Shatter / King Tuts / Dec 3

Is there something I missed? I just post whatever I order up on the forums guy. If there’s anything I’m supporting it’s my habit of THC, I’m just showing what the products I order. I’ll keep my orders from KT down if it hurts you so bad but damn
mung_o·KingTuts·1871d16 reviews

Kingtuts UK cheese nov/19 (7g nugs)

Everyone saying king tut fell off but just picked up some UK cheese. Never thought I’d get two 7g+ nugs out of a $99 ounce. A bit of shake but this stuff looks pretty nice. Will update when smoked
RobotSuperMutant·KingTuts·1872d6 reviews

King Tuts - Sunset Sherbet - early November

First couple hits were alright, didn’t notice anything off, then I took another one in my new rig and got a bunch of white shit in it and threw up from the hit.
1 · · ·6 7 8 9 10 · · ·75


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