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thepokernit·KingTuts·1872d9 reviews

Sunset Sherbet Shatter ~ KingTuts ~ Nov 2019

Vapes great, tastes great, 0 problems with this KT order
(4.5g for 99)

Have yet to encounter bad KT shatter. Snaps like it should

Also got 1oz of $89 herb and it was pretty good will post later.
420_mj·KingTuts·1873d2 reviews

Hindu Kush - King Tuts - Oct.29

Heres one witout flash,
Adebisimon·KingTuts·1876d22 reviews

Iced Grapefruit / King tuts/ Late October

This is the second bag I opened first bag was fine , broke apart the two bigger buds and found what I think is mold inside , just looking for anyone to clarify if it actually is or not . It’s gray and fuzzy towards where my finger is pointing
mung_o·KingTuts·1882d16 reviews

99$ icey grapefruit - kingtuts (oct/28/19)

King tuts iced grapefruit. Variety of nugs mostly popcorn with some big ones mixed in
Adebisimon·KingTuts·1882d22 reviews

Iced Grapefruit / Kingtuts/ Late October

It was good , ash was a light grey and burned fine . Taste was bit odd at first but that could because I was smoking something completely different for a week before I tried this stuff now I just find it has a fresh sweet taste , this was also $99.
1 · · ·7 8 9 10 11 · · ·75


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