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roanld243·KingTuts·2284d2 reviews

King Tuts Review

MOM Name

King Tuts

Overall rating out of 10:

At this point I will give them a 6/10. The product I paid for (Kandy Kush) was not very good IMO, but some of the samples they sent were good.

Sign Up:

Super simple, just put in regular account details and you’re...
Zirqq·KingTuts·2291d89 reviews

Death Bubba - King Tuts - Sept 10

Not too bad. Some of their stuff seems to be on the weaker side
Zirqq·KingTuts·2291d89 reviews

Mangobiche - King Tuts - Sept 10

It’s not bad at all. It’s a landrace strain so it’s normal to look like that
Zirqq·KingTuts·2292d89 reviews

Egyptian hash - King Tuts - Sept 10

Yeah I hadn’t before I seen it either. It was cheap so I gave it a shot. Not too bad but I don’t have much hash experience so I am not the best judge
BurgerNFries·KingTuts·2292d5 reviews

King Tuts review

MOM Name King Tuts

Overall rating out of 10: 9.5/10

Sign Up: Pretty much the same as everywhere else.

Ordering & Pricing: Ordering is simple, just pick and add to cart. Site layout is pretty good so it’s really straightforward. Pricing is great, some of the best $99oz I’...
1 · · ·71 72 73 74 75


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