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DUISoHigh·KingTuts·2234d3 reviews

King Tuts $99 Oz's -Death Bubba / PALOMA-

King Tuts

Overall rating out of 10:


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Not the CLEANEST and easiest ...
Im_Kinda_Lumpy·KingTuts·2235d9 reviews

King tuts review!

MOM Name King tuts

Overall rating out of 10: 8/10

Sign Up: there is no signing up just put in your address email ect and your good to go!

Ordering & Pricing: I ordered a oz of the db and recieved some samples and a free gram of rosin

Communication: Good & fast communi...
CrazyDiamond213·KingTuts·2235d32 reviews

Bruce Banner - Kingtuts - November 2018

This one smell so nice !! Smell really sweet and fruity, got nice buds with good trim. Buds have nice amount of trichomes too. Great high just smoke a joint feel a strong head high
StonerSteve64·KingTuts·2235d474 reviews

Various extracts ( Pink Bubba Rosin / Nuken Live Resin / Pure THCA diamonds) - King Tuts - November

Pink bubba rosin

Yeah it’s a a little dark but it’s thick globs in the jar. I stirred one up and looks a lot better. Outside of the looks it’s a earth/gas kush type of taste with strong body buzz. Not much of a smell compared to the taste
StonerSteve64·KingTuts·2235d474 reviews

Ghost Pie - King Tuts - November

First time trying this strain and I’m glad I did. Unique taste it’s like sweet pine and caramel with hints of citrus. Very smooth smoke and it burns clean white/grey ash.

Feels like a hybrid that starts off with a uplifting/euphoric high that slowly turns to total relaxation. The nugs ...
1 · · ·69 70 71 72 73 · · ·75


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