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frankthetank·KingTuts·2236d4 reviews

KingTuts - Bruce Banner, Diesel, WStar, Northern Lights, Purple Candy

Hi y’all!

I will be reviewing five strains from King Tuts for my second review. MirkaLane gave the Bruce Banner a really good review, so I was excited to try some out. I’ve been working on my macro photography, so I hope you guys enjoy the photos!

MOM Name -

StonerSteve64·KingTuts·2237d474 reviews

Angel Cookies aka Stripper Spit - King Tuts - Nocember

Yes unfortunately
bburrr·KingTuts·2237d138 reviews

King Tuts - Nuken - Oct 2018 {late}

It was honestly some of my favorite that I’ve procured over the last few months. Second only to a batch of BC Big Bud I got from BudBargain awhile ago.

I’m a huge couch-lock kinda guy and this one just did it for me.
StonerSteve64·KingTuts·2237d474 reviews

Standing Glass Water Pipe - King Tuts - November

Not sure why moms don’t carry more accesories and glass to go along with your cannabis orders. King Tuts has some decent little pipes and such.

This bubbler works great and is pretty cheap. 25% off code makes your first order even better.
StonerSteve64·KingTuts·2237d474 reviews

Kraken - King Tuts - November

Light grey ash
1 · · ·70 71 72 73 74


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