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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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kiesha2018·KootenayCraft·1943d6 reviews

Cookies and cream/Kootenay craft/November 2019

Smells sweet like a candy! White ash with some pepper spots. Good potency, nice hybrid with a calming yet clean the house kinda feel! But I think if you smoked enough you could be ready for bed earlier then expected!
j_killian·KootenayCraft·1944d56 reviews

King cobra Kootenay craft Nov 2019

Ya I try and pick a zip up each time of there bottom one it’s pretty good and I like it in between some of the better strains to keep my biz going lol then again I’ve only tried this and the grape god and both are pretty good for the price never been disappointed and when you get them on there m...
j_killian·KootenayCraft·1944d56 reviews

Purple Riley Kootenay craft Nov 2019

So I finally got around to trying this it has a nice flavour and smell but burns harsh and has a blackish ash and kinda sticky not the greatest flush it seems the other two strains are nice and white ash tho silver surfer and king cobra
416strains·KootenayCraft·1944d269 reviews

Purple Riley - Kootenay Craft - Nov 2019 (Preview)

Just had our first sesh with this, feels like a relaxing balanced hybrid with its cerebral onset.. Really smooth in the vape, earthy/musky/sweet/woody flavours

Haven’t taken the studio photos yet, but it should be one of the purplest flowers we’ve had thus far, really beautiful buds wit...
Honest710Reviews·KootenayCraft·1946d105 reviews

Blueberry God - Kootenay Craft - Nov

# Blueberry God -- Kootenay Craft -- Nov



(**16/20**)Packaging: Came in a small little plastic container perfect to fit a Quarter. It had a cool gold hand written label on the top identifying which strain aswell as a white label with all the inform...
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