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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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Honest710Reviews·KootenayCraft·1949d105 reviews

Mimosa - Kootenay Craft - (Late) Oct

# Mimosa -- Kootenay Craft -- (Late)Oct


(**16/20**)Packaging: Came in a small little plastic container perfect to fit a Quarter. It had a cool gold hand written label on the top identifying which strain aswell as a white label with all the information about the bud o...
u53rnam3plz·KootenayCraft·1949d8 reviews

Mimosa - Kootenay Craft - Early November 2019

\*\*Mimosa\*\* - Nov 2019 - Overall Score - 43.5/50, AAA+

Visual Appeal & Structure - 9.0/10. Aroma, Taste & Enjoyment - 8.5/10. Burn/Ash - 8.5/10 Potency - 9.0/10 CS - 8.5/10
Honest710Reviews·KootenayCraft·1949d105 reviews

Jager - Kootenay Craft - (Late)Oct

Jager -- Kootenay Craft -- (Late)Oct



(**16/20**)Packaging: Came in a small little plastic container perfect to fit a Quarter. It had a cool gold hand written label on the top identifying which strain aswell as a white label with all the informat...
Honest710Reviews·KootenayCraft·1955d105 reviews

Purple Tango -- Kootenay Craft -- Nov

Purple Tango -- Kootenay Craft -- (Late)Oct


(**16/20**)Packaging: Came in a small little plastic container perfect to fit a Quarter. It had a cool gold hand written label on the top identifying which strain aswell as a white label with all the information about the bu...
ubervongoober·KootenayCraft·1955d2 reviews

[zurple punch] - [Kootenay Craft] - [Otober 1019]

I liked this stuff, I ordered the Lime Pop from GD last week and was not happy with it, this is more what I expect craft cannabis to smell and taste like. I look forward to trying KC again.
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