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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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j_killian·KootenayCraft·1958d56 reviews

Lao grape god Kootenay craft early November

Should read LSO not lao, living soil grape god to quick on the fingers and didn’t notice spelling error.
416strains·KootenayCraft·1958d269 reviews

Living Soil Grease Monkey - Kootenay Craft - Oct 2019

Arriving as impressive stocky medium colas of good humidity, this **Living Soil Grease Monkey** is the indica-leaning hybrid of notable parents *GG4* x *Cookies and Cream*. These dense, well-trimmed buds have a satisfying pungency of sweet skunky fuel, leading with creamy, nutty flavours that ease i...
Honest710Reviews·KootenayCraft·1959d105 reviews

Zurple Punch -- Kootenay Craft -- (Late)Oct

# Zurple Punch -- Kootenay Craft -- (Late)Oct



(**18/20**)Packaging: Came in a small little plastic container perfect to fit a Quarter. It had a cool gold hand written label on the top identifying which strain aswell as a white label with all the i...
416strains·KootenayCraft·1959d269 reviews

OG Kush - Kootenay Craft - Oct 2019

Arriving as smelly small nugs with intact pistils and ample protective trim, this **OG Kush** has a familiar aroma of pungent, dank kush in the jar. After initial woody, musty/herbal notes, this humble indica eases into earthy, slightly sweet kushy flavours that should be well-known to most. Offerin...
416strains·KootenayCraft·1959d269 reviews

Monkey Mints - Kootenay Craft - Oct 2019

The attractive cross of *Grease Monkey* x *Mint Chocolate Chip*, these **Monkey Mints** arrived slightly dry as fluffy medium nugs with intact pistils and minimal signs of handling. Though not as loud as we’d like, this indica-leaning hybrid has a pleasing pungency of creamy, nutty mint in the jar...
1 · · ·54 55 56 57 58 · · ·153


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