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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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ocerous·KootenayCraft·2016d3 reviews

Mack OG Breath - KC - August

Haha good question.. totally a stem from me. I smoked bout half the loot before I took this photo.

The trim is clean on all orders to date.. not stemmy, no topped nugs, no evidence of handling in general other than the cut leaves.
j_killian·KootenayCraft·2016d56 reviews

Punch breath Kootenay craft 26%thc 0.02% CBD Sept 4ty

It’s not bad light grey to white I usually just use my pipe or bong but if I smoke a bird I’ll take a pic and post the ash. I read apost and seen that a couple said there’s was a little dark so was kinda worried but it smokes nice and smooth and is quit potent .I’m pretty impressed with the ...
Scholeszy·KootenayCraft·2017d1 review

Tangerine Cookies Kootenay Craft Sep 1/19

Bag appeal 9/10 (little purp hints hiding)
Smell 8/10 Has a very Unique Orange Peel aroma
High 9/10
Now on the jar it says 70/30 Sativa Dominant and I’m a cautious Sativa guy due to anxiety but I would compare this high to a Quad NYC Sour, or any AAAA Diesel. No anxiety, Strong Cere...
LeBim666·KootenayCraft·2018d142 reviews

Blue Dream - Kootenaycraft - August 2019

Canadian select grade Kootenaycraft. Not as tasty the platinum blue dream from the last batch but still a really good one!
LeBim666·KootenayCraft·2019d142 reviews

Death breath bubba - Kootenaycraft - 2019 August

Didn’t tried yet! Will probably smoke it tonight.
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