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Limited run and speciality craft flowers from growers around Nelson, BC.
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breezy902·KootenayCraft·2136d14 reviews

Cactus Breath-Kootenay Craft

Let’s just say whenever I order Kootenay craft if they have it I’m getting it one of my favorites danky very crystalized smokes nice taste good always great high. I will admit as you said first time I’ve seen it with purple spots on it I’ve been saving this for about a month decided today w...
Raptorfan93·KootenayCraft·2139d2 reviews

CANSeries - BlackCapCannaCans - Raptorfan93

Welcome to the seventh post of the CANseries. Today I will be introducing one of my top 3 companies from the upcoming top 10 list (ETA: end of May 2019). It is Black Cap Canna Cans and they are a class act. They provide in-house organically grown products directly to consumers and through online dis...
bcbud78·KootenayCraft·2142d32 reviews

Living Soil Black Mamba - Kootenay Craft- Late April

These three are the only ones I have tried. The PP is phenomenal for flavour and shows it’s indica side. I am partial to the purps though. The LSBM is different then their non living Soil BM. But the HC is very good. Just as described. The MD is amazing too. I have not been disappointed by KC in t...

strawberry jager / kootenay craft / april

The flavour is nice enough, nothing special, but I’m loving the effects. It’s pretty potent and the high lasts for awhile, plus it’s a nice, energized high that puts me in a good mood and doesn’t make me feel sleepy. Also doesn’t hurt that the bud is so beautiful to look at.
mcmaxx·KootenayCraft·2145d48 reviews

[Kootenay Craft] Watermelon Hybrid Indica Review

Watermelon Hybrid Indica Review | 5/5

Another fruity strain from one of my favorite craft growers with a delicious name: watermelon. Although a trade I felt happy to finally get around to trying this as it’s described as a hy...
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