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thechronickid_00·KronicKush·2472d1233 reviews

Tuna Kush - chronickush - june 2018

My 2nd tuna kush in 2 days! From different MOMs obviously. This one looks completely different. More light green and no black or purple. But the potency, taste, and smell are identical.Nice strong kushy taste and smell with that classic tuna note its known for.
power_of_woman·KronicKush·2473d50 reviews

Black Velvet- Chronic Kush- June

This bud looked amazing smokes well and has that distinct taste and smell that the black strains give off.
Too bad they’re sold out I would have got more.
Cooldude1002·KronicKush·2473d8 reviews

Chronickush Purple Hindu Kush Review

Incentive to review: $20 coupon code

I recently ordered the purple hindu kush and let me tell you that the bud was full purple.

Tastes amazing and is one of the best shit I’ve had

giantsfan·KronicKush·2475d1 review

Chronic Kush Review

Chronic Kush

Overall rating out of 10: Easily a 10 out of 10 for me.

Sign Up: Sign up is straight forward. Send a copy of your ID and you’re good to go.

Ordering & Pricing: Ordering is straight forward and simple. Pricing is great. Under $75 for an ounce of OG Kush and a sa...
DUISoHigh·KronicKush·2476d3 reviews

Chronic Kush -Budget Bud OGiesel-

Chronic Kush

Overall rating out of 10: 9/10

Sign Up:

Simple. ID Required. Very fast approval.

Ordering & Pricing:

Simple website layout, All flowers categorized into different potency’s. Very easy to order. Awesome Pricing... for this review it was a budge...
1 · · ·26 27 28 29 30 · · ·45


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