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ProfessorAlaura69·KronicKush·2495d6 reviews

Skywalker - Chronic Kush - May 15

Super gassy and sticky. Smoked real nice, definitely sedating. I would say it’s great bud for the price. It’s just coated in keif. The bag appeal of this stuff is amazing. Highly recommended.
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2521d474 reviews

Death Bubba - Chronic Kush - April 18

It’s got a pungent nose and a ton of trichomes. The nugs are dry though but the smoke isint harsh. Small-medium sized nugs its worth the price 100% eapecially with the 42 gram oz deal
jlgee·KronicKush·2521d7 reviews

Chronic Kush Review

MOM Name: Chronic Kush

Overall rating out of 10: 9/10

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Ordering & Pricing: I took advantage of their 2for1 sale at the end of February, they sold out of the OG Kush @ $40/oz I bought but I see they recently restocked a new batch of 42g/oz and felt...
xy1408·KronicKush·2521d73 reviews

Purple God's Green Crack - Chronickush - April

Imo its overpriced but with their 420 promo worth it (42G for price of Oz) since u can’t find this strain anywhere else
Budviews·KronicKush·2523d3 reviews

Chronic Kush Review | Mataro Blue & Bubba Kush Sample

Overall rating out of 10: 9/10

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Ordering & Pricing: Pretty much everything is a rather fair price when on a good sale, but I would not order without a sale going on. Even with a sale, some options seem to be much better value than others. P...
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