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poohtz·LowPriceBud·1838d79 reviews

Bruce Banner, LowPriceBud, Feb 2020

Dense, slightly sticky nugs. Sweet, herbal, citrus and light gas smell. Tastes earthy, citrusy and sweet. Roll up nice and burns well into a salt pepper ash. Fairly potent. Heady and relaxing effects.

Value: 7.5/10
Quality: 8/10
takesmassiveshits·LowPriceBud·1838d36 reviews

Blackberry Kush - LowPriceBud - February

Messed up the title, it’s blackberry Kush.

Got my package today. When I opened the bag it had a nice berry smell to it, not super strong smell though. Got a lot of small buds and some larger ones, but mostly small. The order ended up being 16g over so 44 g totaland thought there was a mis...
1199Diesel·LowPriceBud·1838d14 reviews

Pink goo - Lowpricebud - feb 20

Received has a sample with my order
Really good looking dense bud full of trichomes
Great pink taste perfectly cured hits you on the first hit had a couple of the AAAA strains from lpb recently and never disappointed
Lowpricebud is my to go mom for the past months and it is pretty muc...
DDKLondon·LowPriceBud·1838d31 reviews

Orange Crush-LPB- February 2020

Value 8/10 Quality 8/10

The smell out of the bag hits ya nice with that orange crush smell, smaller nugs but that’s ok. The smoke was really nice, white ash and it tasted citrusy just like it’s name. I have a high tolerance and this still hit me. Energizing buzz, I work in production an...
biggiesmalls84·LowPriceBud·1838d64 reviews

Habibi Moroccan Hash - Feb 20 2020 - Low Price Bud

sometimes I’m old school. Just something about hash and tobacco. I don’t smoke cigs normally besides with hash occasionally.

I usually just use in a bong.
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