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canadianMOMson·LowPriceBud·1837d54 reviews

Purple glue (99doller oz) - lowpricebud - feb20/2020

Amazing value. Fresh. Heavy nose. Smooth. Great hybrid effect. Ask me whatever u want to know about this beauty. Also have a pink kush 99er to post in the next few days!!
Phragram·LowPriceBud·1837d11 reviews

Pink Kush - Low Price Bud - Mid. Fed.

This was such an awesome deal! I was honestly pretty blown away by the quality for the amount I paid. I got the 3oz deal for $270. This stuff was super sticky, lots of trichomes smelt and tasted great. It pretty much checked all of the boxes for me. One of my personal favorite strains. One con would...
LeBim666·LowPriceBud·1837d142 reviews

Og Kush - LPB - 2020 February

—— feee sample in exchange of review ——

Classic Og kush!! Very well done. Compact and sticky nug that can almost kill your grinder. Everything of what a good Og kush is about, smell and taste are very good! Burn smooth and white to grey ash. This Og willfivw you a nice head high wi...
canadianMOMson·LowPriceBud·1837d54 reviews

Pink OG rockstar by gasleak - Lowpricebud - fev20/2020

Honestly i have a similar opinion to you!!! I bought 2 of their 99 dollsr ounces which i am beyond happy with. I only buy quads qith this price tag in smaller amounts. As i look at them as a special treat. Im very leary usually.. but lpb and gasleak have won me over big time so i know when j buy a e...
The_Randingo·LowPriceBud·1837d6 reviews

LowPriceBud - PINK KUSH 3OZ SPECIAL - Feb. 16

This is my first order from LowPriceBud. I ordered their 3oz pink kush special for $270. They also threw in a free 8th of Blue Dream, which i havent tried yet.

The ounces aren’t packaged separately. It is all packaged in a large ziploc bag, unfortunately, which makes it very tedious to we...
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