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LeBim666·LowPriceBud·1840d142 reviews

Pink Og Rockstar - LPB - 2020 February

—— Free sample in exchange of my own review —-

Pink rockstar OG ... damn when I opened the bag !!! Very strong smell of kush!! Very nice bud with some darker shade of green, good cure and trim well. This is super sticky!!!Gas n kush... hooo yeah. Once the smell is more intense an...
natuashish2019·LowPriceBud·1840d15 reviews

Pink kush // low price bud// mid February.

Yeah for sure bro, not the best pink I ever had but deff a killer for 99$ an oz, this is my third order
Of pink from them now. Every time spot on.
MistaMOE18·LowPriceBud·1840d33 reviews

Death Bubba Craft Sample/LPB/Mid Feb

Death Bubba Craft Sample

Taste: gassy

Smell: diesel and gas

Looks: bud structure seems to be a proper quad no sugar leafs and was pleasantly sticky as the nug was stick to my finger when taking it out.

I was one of the individuals that received a sample pack from...
Phragram·LowPriceBud·1840d11 reviews

Purple Voodoo (AAAA-) Low Price Bud - Mid. Feb.

The buds are huge. The biggest one in my bag was 7gs! (I got an oz). Lots of trichomes too. Awesome bag appeal. It’s got a really citrusy/fruity smell. What you’d expect from a typical sativa. It burns okay and leaves a clean coloured ash. I think the taste is meh. The buzz hits pretty hard thou...
natuashish2019·LowPriceBud·1841d15 reviews

Gangster OG// lowpricebud// feb 2020

I’m not sure got it as a gift. Didn’t say smalls though.
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